Online shops are springing up almost like mushrooms. Nearly 350 online shops are being opened per month in Poland. By the end of 2022, their number may exceed 55,000, according to data obtained from the Registry Office (KRS). This is causing an increase in competition and forcing shop owners to fight for every customer. Having a consistent image and properly created brand – i.e. brand awareness, it is thanks to this that a company is recognised easier and better. Let’s find out how the right packaging of goods can help with this.
The appearance of the package from the outside
The old saying which says, that you can only make a first impression once, applies to many aspects of our lives, including the moment we receive a package. If it is sloppily packed, crumpled or tumbled, our impression will certainly be negative and we are unlikely to want to order from that seller again. However, if the parcel is aesthetically packed and somehow you received the package intact after transport, our trust in the seller grows and we will probably want to use their offer again in the future. More than 57% of those who receive parcels pay attention to the condition which the parcel is delivered to us in, so we can consider this as an image-building component, which is worth taking care of.
However, the name of the shop can get lost in the comotion of deliveries, so when it comes to the retailer it is important to reinforce the impression and use elements that help to be remembered better. This is when various printed logos on the cardboard boxes come in handy. They help to identify the origin of the product merely at a quick glance, it can work wonders. Packaging tape with the company logo and in the brand colours is another option worth considering. It is an important element of branding, thanks to this the company can be remembered even better, not only by the recipient of the parcel, but also by other people involved in the delivery proces. However, we must bare in mind that there are some products where the sale requires certain degree of discretion and, in this case, packaging tape with the name of the shop or brand may do more harm than good.

Securing the products inside the package
The interior of the cardboard box plays just as an important role as the exterior of the box. Especially when it comes to building an image of the online shop. It is not only about the way of how the products which are being sent are secured, but also the overall aesthetics of the interior of the box.
The empty spaces inside a parcel can be filled in a variety of ways, but decorative fillers are certainly much nicer than crumpled newspapers. Companies use a variety of decorative fillers, such as wood wool or paper fillers, which look pleasant to the eye.
Unfortunately, they often fall out of the package when unpacking, causing a mess. This is when decorative woodwool or other decorative paper fillers are unlikely to create a positive brand image. Air-filled parcel pillows are not only aesthetically pleasing but also guarantee good protection of the products in the package, they also do not cause a mess during unpacking. As a result, once the package is opened, the positive impression will be reinforced, thus influencing future purchasing decisions. Almost 70% of people confirm that the way a product is packed influences the overall evaluation of an online shopping experience.
Time of shipment
The time which is necessary to ship the goods to the end customer also has a crucial impact on the brand image of an inline shop. Most customers expect their package to arrive within 2-3 days after ordering the goods, so a well-planned parcel packing system is of vital importance. The less time it takes to prepare a parcel for dispatch, the quicker it will reach the recipient, which will significantly increase their satisfaction with their purchase from that specific shop.
Express shipping is an even better way to be remembered by the end consumer. It will make the customer surprised by the speed of delivery, which will make the customer remember the shop even more. From the retailer’s point of view, it is therefore important to develop a packing system that saves time and does not generate additional costs. You will find more information on this topic in the article “How to pack a parcel“.
In a nutshell, how our parcels look from the outside, how we have secured the products inside the bix and how quickly it is dispatched has a direct impact on how the shop will be perceived by the customer. It is therefore worth thinking about and fine-tuning these elements in order to positively surprise the customer and thus be better remembered by the customer after the purchasing experience.